Bureau of Reclamation Professionals Complete Programs

Bureau of Reclamation Professionals Complete Programs

April 21, 2010

Bureau of Reclamation Professionals Complete TSOD Time Management and Stress Management Programs at Annual Offsite

April 21, 2010

(Las Vegas, Nevada)   Training Services On Demand provided Time Management and Stress Management workshops for Bureau of Reclamation professionals during an offsite retreat in Las Vegas.  TSOD’s onsite Time Management training program, Time Superstar™, helps busy professionals increase their effectiveness, strengthen their professional commitment, and achieve their goals. By completing interactive exercises and in-class commitments, participants leave the training program with a refreshed perspective on workload management

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. The Stress Management seminar expands upon the half-day time management program to equip participants with a comprehensive set of life management techniques.

Established in 1902, the Bureau of Reclamation is best known for the dams, powerplants, and canals it constructed in the 17 western states. These water projects led to homesteading and promoted the economic development of the West. Reclamation is now the largest wholesaler of water in the country, bringing water to more than 31 million people, and irrigating 60% of the nation’s vegetables and 25% of its fruits and nuts. Reclamation is also the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the western United States, generating more than 40 billion kilowatt hours of electricity.

Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions.  TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs are adapted to meet organization-specific training needs.  TSOD seminars and workshops are conducted nationwide at all-inclusive bundled tuition rates and can be procured through the GSA Schedule. Popular training course titles include Team Building, Team Leadership, Presentation Skills, Media Relations, Negotiation Skills, Business Writing, Time Management, Stress Management, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Diversity Training, and Convention Mini-Seminars.

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