Business Writing Course Datasheet

Onsite Business Writing: Course Datasheet

Overview: TSOD’s Business Writing Workshops are conducted at customer sites to provide workgroups with need-specific training in grammar, composition, proofreading, and editorial versatility

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Course Title: Business Writing

Full Description: Available Online

Length: One Day (6 – 7 hours)
2nd Day Supplement (optional):
Job-Specific Practice Writing Practice

Group Size: 10 – 40 Participants (flexible)

Location: At Your Location, Nationwide
Workshop Logistics & Requirements

Facilitator: TSOD’s Writing Skills Team

Prerequisites: None

Participant Materials: Business Writing Course Book

Pricing and Scheduling: Check Rates & Availability
Based Upon Availability
(Three Weeks Normal Minimum)

Online Resources:

How to Schedule This Program
Downloadable Course Brochure(.pdf)
Course Description
Course Agenda
Course Logistics
About the Course Textbook

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