Business Writing Course Facilitator

Onsite Business Writing Workshops

About the Workshop Facilitators…

Business Writing TrainingChosen for their unique blend of editorial insight and interactive workshop finesse, you’ll never find a more impressive cadre of instructors.  The great news is that you’ll never get stuck with ”the new guy,” since he doesn’t work here.

The people who do work here hold at least one advanced degree; two is typical.  All have national writing credits, three have Associated Press citations, and one has a pair of Emmy awards.

They teach because they love doing so, and it shows.  We don’t mind being called ”infotainers,” because there’s a bit of Broadway in every good workshop.  A little sparkle goes a long way in adult education (and it works wonders in the droopy hour after lunch)

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Your facilitator will contact you before your workshop, gaining the insights necessary to tailor your workshop to your group’s needs.  You’ll not only benefit from one of the country’s best informed and most colorful business writing facilitators, you’ll enjoy a program that fits your team.

Additional Information

Business Writing Course Description

Course Datasheet: Specifications & Details

Business Writing Workshop Brochure (PDF)

Help Your Team Get it Write: Schedule an Onsite Workshop! 

Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.

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