Business Writing Logistics

Onsite Business Writing Workshops

Course Logistics Details

        TSOD Business Writing Workshops are conducted at your location, at your convenience, nationwide. We don’t charge for instructor, travel, or other incidentals: You’ll receive flat-rate, economical service for your team learning experience.

tsod_training_instructor_2 Contracted customers are provided with a logistics checklist that assists in preparing for the workshop. We don’t ask for anything exotic: Classroom space and basic supplies.

The recommended minimum group size is 10 persons; the recommended maximum is 42. Larger groups are ideally accommodated through consecutive sessions.

The Business Writing Workshop lasts a full day, and usually is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a one-hour lunch break. An optional day of job-specific writing exercises may be added for reinforcement, and follows the same schedule.

Instructor travel and student materials are our responsibility (not yours). Your course tuition includes everything necessary to make your program a success, except for training space and participants. Scheduling is push-button easy

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Additional Information

Business Writing Course Description

Course Datasheet: Specifications & Details

Business Writing Workshop Brochure (PDF)

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Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.

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