Meridium, Inc. Employees Complete Presentation Skills Workshop

Meridium, Inc. Employees Complete Presentation Skills Workshop

March 26, 2002

March 26, 2002

(Roanoke, Virginia)   Training Services On Demand provided a two-day Presentation Skills Workshop for high-visibility professionals in Meridium Incorporated’s headquarters office

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. Through a series of instructional sessions, participants learned the essentials of compelling presentations, including presentation planning, platform techniques, using audio/visuals, interacting with the audience, and incorporating humor.

Meridium, headquartered in Roanoke, Virginia, is a software company specializing in the development and implementation of advanced client/server information systems for Fortune 100 industrial companies. Meridium is growing rapidly, and is the industry-acknowledged leader in equipment analysis and reliability tracking software.

Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions. TSOD conducts workshops at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs leverage team insights and produce team-oriented results. The company’s seminars and workshops are available nationwide at fully bundled tuition rates. Combining proven curricula, expert facilitators, and modest tuition schedules, TSOD ensures the availability of high-quality employee learning experiences to a growing, blue-clip client list.

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