Outplacement Course Description


TSOD’s Career Exploration Workshop
Outplacement & Career Self-Selection Programs


        Provide proven, results-oriented career planning skills to outplaced employees, those entering a job skills program, or those reentering the workforce.

This professional growth experience combines the Strong Interest Inventory with professional facilitation to help participants identify the career choices most likely to offer lasting satisfaction.

Workshop tuition includes a self-scored Strong assessment for each participant, along with professional guidance on how the results should be used. The workshop facilitators are skilled in creating a positive, enlightening learning experience, even within contentious outplacement situations

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How Participants Benefit

      Participants receive proven, scientific results that reveal their preferred career options. The workshop then explores the use of this data in career development.

The workshop reveals:

  • How to use career preferences to plan your career and accelerate your job search,
  • How your untapped interests can build upon your existing skills to define a more rewarding career path,
  • How to use your career assessment to weigh job offers and select training/educational programs,
  • How to use your career assessment to make work-life balance decisions, and
  • How some successful professionals use their career interests to invent new jobs and fill unrecognized needs.

The Ideal Solution For…


      This time-efficient workshop is ideal for employee groups facing layoff, forced retirement, buy-out, or any outplacement situation. In addition, groups making career choices—such as those entering training programs or reentering the workforce—benefit from this exploration of career preferences.

This workshop offers significant human relations benefits during outplacement situations. Using a positive and reassuring approach, our facilitators create an environment that significantly softens the emotional repercussions of career change.

Additional Information

Specifications: Course Datasheet

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