Presentation Skills Book


TSOD’s Presentation Skills Course Guide

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The unique tips, ideas, and advice in this publication aren’t available in any store at any price. TSOD’s Presentation Skills Course Guide is available only to course attendees.

presentation_skills_bookCrafted by TSOD senior facilitator Frank Whyte, the workbook reflects his years of experience as a broadcaster and platform presenter. Rather than an outline text or a collection of slides, the book mirrors the workshop content in a flowing, easy-to-read essay format. As such, you’ll find the course workbook invaluable as a refresher, a self-motivation tool, and a handy reference guide.

Contents include:

  • How to Organize Your Thoughts into a Compelling Message,
  • How to Project Poise and Confidence,
  • How to Create Powerful Audio/Visuals,
  • How to Interact with Your Audience, and
  • How and When to Use Humor in Presentations.

For complete descriptions of these course topics, see the Curriculum Detail page.

Workshop Options

Presentation Skills for Executives and Opinion Makers (Onsite training: 2 days)

Presentation Skills for Professionals and Managers (Onsite training: 2 days)

Presentation Skills for Training Professionals (Onsite training: 2 days)

Presentation Skills for Sales Professionals (Onsite training: 2 days)

One-day ”Short Course”

Additional Information

Presentation Skills Main Menu
Training Overview & Options
Pricing and Scheduling

Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.


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