Stress Management Course Book


Success Under Stress™ Onsite Workshops

TSOD’s Stress Management Workbook

        The Success Under Stress™ course guide brings the topic of stress to light in a progressive, informative, upbeat manner

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        . You’ll progress from big-picture topics—defining and measuring stress—through vital details, including dozens of proven techniques for putting stress to rest.

This unique roadmap to a richer, more satisfying lifestyle isn’t available in any store at any price. TSOD’s Success Under Stress™ Course Guide is available only to workshop participants.

stress_management_book The Course Guide contains a thorough examination of Stress Management information that you’ll continue to use long after the course. You’ll discover the types and sources of stress. You’ll find-out where you stand on the stress barometer. And of course, you’ll learn proven stress coping techniques.

Best of all, you’ll use your course workbook interactively, leaving the program with an effective plan to lead a more satisfying life.

Contents include:

  • Where you stand on the stress scale: Self-assessments for you (the professional) and you (in your personal life),
  • Why stress is good (some times and in some ways), and how you can pinpoint the stress level that keeps your engine running at a reasonable temperature,
  • How various life events and “change” affect your state of mind, and what you can do to move beyond grief,
  • How you tend to approach conflict (a self-assessment), and how you can cool confrontations and ruffle fewer feathers,
  • How to enjoy work and relationships over the long-haul by preventing burnout, and
  • How to survive and thrive: Three pivotal areas in which you can make immediate, easy, beneficial changes in your life.

Additional Information

Success Under Stress™ Course Description: What You’ll Learn

Course Datasheet: Links to In-depth Course Information

Print-Ready Time/Stress Workshop Brochure (pdf)

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