Stress Management Logistics


Success Under Stress™ Onsite Workshops

Stress Management Seminar Logistics

Success Under Stress™ is conducted at your location, at your convenience, nationwide

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. We don’t charge for instructor, travel, or other incidentals: You’ll receive flat-rate, economical service for your team learning experience.

Contracted customers are provided with a logistics checklist that assists in preparing for the workshop. We don’t ask for anything exotic: Classroom space and basic supplies.

The recommended minimum group size is 10 persons; the recommended maximum is 50. Larger groups are ideally accommodated through consecutive sessions.

Each of the three Success Under Stress™ workshop modules lasts slightly less than an hour. With breaks, an introduction and summations, the program is slightly more than three hours in length.

Success Under Stress™ often is combined with Time Superstar™ to create a full-day team development experience.

Instructor travel and student materials are our responsibility (not yours). Your course tuition includes everything necessary to make your program a success, except for training space and participants. Scheduling is push-button easy.

Additional Information

Success Under Stress™ Course Description: What You’ll Learn

Course Datasheet: Links to In-depth Course Information

Print-Ready Time/Stress Workshop Brochure (pdf)

Time Management Complement Workshop

Pricing & Scheduling for Your Team

Stress~Free Scheduling:
Contact Us for Your Team Workshop!

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