Phillips Respironics Again Calls on TSOD for Training

Phillips Respironics Again Calls on TSOD for Training

February 24, 2010

Phillips Respironics Again Calls on TSOD for Presentation Skill Development

February 24, 2010

(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)   Training Services On Demand (TSOD) provided two-day presentation skills workshops for business development professionals at Respironics headquarters on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Through a series of instructional sessions and videotaped practice presentations, participants refined and polished the skills associated with compelling presentations and adult learning experiences, including presentation planning, platform techniques, using audio/visuals, and overcoming objections.  Additionally, participants received individualized coaching aimed at optimizing knowledge transfer.

A repeat TSOD customer, Philips’ Home Healthcare business provides innovative solutions for the home that connect patients to their healthcare providers and support individuals at risk in the home through better awareness, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and management of the condition. Philips Respironics is a global leader in treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition in which the airways collapse repeatedly during sleep, preventing proper respiration

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. Respironics gives Philips a leading position in the fast-growing areas of sleep management, respiratory care and non-invasive ventilation.

Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions.  TSOD conducts workshops at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs leverage team insights and produce team-oriented results.  The company’s seminars and workshops are available nationwide at fully bundled tuition rates.  Combining proven curricula, expert facilitators, and modest tuition schedules, TSOD ensures the availability of high-quality employee learning experiences to a growing, blue-clip client portfolio.


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