CTA Employees Complete TSOD Team Building Workshops
February 22, 2002
(Chicago, Illinois) Training Services On Demand completed a series of Team Building Workshops for employees and managers of the Chicago Transit Authority
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. These courses provided participants with an increased awareness of interpersonal and professional relationship dynamics, providing a basis for them to function on a true team basis. As part of the workshop, each participant received a complete assessment revealing how that person tends to participate on a team, communicate, make decisions, and organize tasks and priorities.
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is an independent governmental agency created by state legislation. The CTA operates the nation’s second largest public transportation system and covers the City of Chicago and 38 surrounding suburbs. On an average weekday, 1.5 million rides are taken on the CTA.
Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions. TSOD conducts workshops at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs leverage team insights and produce team-oriented results. The company’s seminars and workshops are available nationwide at fully bundled tuition rates. Combining proven curricula, expert facilitators, and modest tuition schedules, TSOD ensures the availability of high-quality employee learning experiences to a growing, blue-clip client list.