TSOD Team Building Featured at Aerospace Corporation Retreat
TSOD Team Building Featured at Aerospace Corporation Retreat
March 3, 2005
(Orlando, Florida) Training Services On Demand (TSOD) provided an Team Building workshop for a corporate retreat conducted by the Aerospace Corporation. Participants gained a heightened awareness of themselves and their colleagues: How they naturally communicate (or fail to communicate), make decisions (or fail to do so), and form relationships (or not). During the workshop, team members participated in activities that clarified team dynamics and challenges
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The Aerospace Corporation, based in El Segundo, California, is an independent, nonprofit company that provides objective technical analyses and assessments for national security space programs. In addition, Aerospace brings more than 40 years of experience with space systems to projects for civil agencies like NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, commercial companies, universities, and some international organizations in the national interest.
Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions. TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs leverage team insights and produce team-oriented results. The company’s seminars and workshops are available nationwide at fully bundled tuition rates. Combining proven curricula, expert facilitators, and modest tuition schedules, TSOD ensures the availability of high-quality employee learning experiences to a growing, blue-clip client portfolio.