TSOD Provides Success Under Stress Workshop for Plain Joe Studios

TSOD Provides Success Under Stress Workshop for Plain Joe Studios

April 22, 2008

April 22, 2008

(Corona, California)   Training Services On Demand (TSOD) provided a half-day stress management program for Plain Joe Studios staffers at the company headquarters outside Los Angeles.  TSOD’s half-day Success Under Stress™ Training Program includes everything employees need to implement healthier, more productive lifestyles, at home and at work.  Beginning with an exploration of worry, anxiety, and tension, participants learn both the positive and negative aspects of various stress categories.  By graduation, they’ve mastered more than 24 proven techniques for mitigating stress, and they’ve identified methods for coping with conflict, change, and deadline pressures.

Based in Corona, California, PlainJoe Studios provides design and practical solutions for its clients

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Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions.  TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs are adapted to meet organization-specific training needs.  TSOD seminars and workshops are conducted nationwide at all-inclusive bundled tuition rates and can be procured through the GSA Schedule. Popular training course titles include MBTI® Team Building, Team Leadership, Presentation Skills, Media Relations, Negotiation Skills, Business Writing, Time Management, Stress Management, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Diversity Training, and Convention Mini-Seminars.

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