Time SuperStar Hilo

Hilo Hawaii Sunrise

Time SuperStar®

Time Management Excellence

When: December 7, 2015
Where: 166 Kamehameha Ave. St. 7 Hilo, Hawaii
Time: 10:00am to 1:30pm
Cost: $129.00/per person


Learn how to reduce stress and enhance performance in the workplace!

  • Learn more than 100 easy-to-implement tactics for shaving minutes from daily activities, saving time for more meaningful pursuits.
  • We’ll motivate you and your employees to create and achieve new goals in both your personal and professional lives.
  • Help identify personal growth areas through scientific assessments guaranteed to pinpoint easy opportunities for increased efficiency.
  • Introduce a five-point system for developing more effective professional habits.
  • Participants will be empowered through a customized, personalized learning experience that will be enhanced during interactive small-group exercises

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