Training Program Logistics Made Easy by Conference Solutions…
To ensure the success of your learning experience, we’ve teamed with Conference Solutions, a full-service meeting planning organization.
Through our partnership with Conference Solutions, both the educational and logistical details of your next offsite meeting will be addressed by proven professionals.
Conference Solutions is a meeting planning and events management organization providing nationwide service. In addition, Conference Solutions provides full travel agency services.
If you’re planning to take a TSOD training program to an offsite location, or incorporate your training into a larger conference, we can minimize your planning workload, reduce your expenses, and ensure a smooth-flowing, worry-free experience.
Our meeting planning and conference support services include:
Conference Solutions offers very reasonable consulting fees. Our services often pay for themselves many times over through the aggressively discounted rates we’re able to negotiate. As a result you can save money and reduce your workload when you work with us to manage your meeting or conference!
To begin our partnership, please tell us a little about you and your meeting planning needs
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