Presentation Skills Professional Curriculum


    Presentation Skills for Professionals & Managers

This Two-day Presentation Skills Workshop Includes…

Planning Your Presentation: How to Compose Communication
You’ll benefit from proven methods for creative construction within a logical framework.

  • You’ll discover how to craft introductory messages that immediately captivate audiences.
  • You’ll find out why most presentations end with a whimper, and you’ll discover the importance of giving your group a call to action.
  • You’ll learn five essential rules for presentation content, and you’ll put them to work before you leave the course!

How to Polish Your Platform Techniques and Create Charisma
presentation_skills_2In this section, you’ll discover how the world’s best presenters project charisma and credibility.

  • You’ll learn how to handle stage fright–and learn why a bit of anxiety can work to your benefit.
  • You’ll discover nonverbal communication cues–the messages you send without trying–and you’ll practice methods for creating the desired presentation atmosphere.
  • You’ll find-out which gestures and words are absolute no-no’s, and which can help you add power and impact to your message.

How to Use Audio/Visuals without Abusing Audio/Visuals
This section allows you to capitalize on the incredible energy of light, color, and imagery

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  • You’ll discover how gather information, and learn astonishingly easy methods for capturing attention.
  • You’ll learn how to avoid A/V annoyances: The critical rules for maintaining the integrity of your visual presentation.
  • You’ll explore a/v media types, and learn which are most effective with various audience types.
  • You’ll learn what to do when your A/V’s are DOA.
  • You’ll discover the psychological implications of colors and shapes in presentations, giving you the ”five percent solution” of using hidden persuaders to your advantage.

How to Interact, How to Deal with Adversity
presentation_skills_5In this section, you’ll explore the opportunities and challenges of audience interaction. By mastering both types, you’ll consistently craft positive messages, even in the face of adversity.

  • You’ll learn how create a truly interactive presentation experience, compelling your attendees to reach your conclusions for you.
  • You’ll discover how skillful presenters handle tough crowds (and you’ll learn what’s bothering the seven adverse attendee types).
  • You’ll practice handling tough questions with our legendary ”slap &amp tickle” device for handling just about any type of adverse audience member.

Leveraging Humor in Presentations
Using our thirteen rules for using humor, you’ll find a pathway to positive energy absolute charisma.

  • You’ll discover that humor isn’t just fun: It’s defined by the Laws of Learning as essential to data assimilation and retention.
  • You’ll learn how even unfunny people create entertaining presentations.
  • You’ll learn how to ensure that your audience enjoys your presentation as much as you do.
  • You’ll learn what types of humor are taboo–beyond the obvious types.
  • You’ll learn how to turn mistakes and adversity into positive, enjoyable experiences.


      Two-day Workshop participants are videotaped twice; Each person receives his or her tape at graduation.

The first videotaped presentation is replayed for in-class coaching; the second presentation is provided to the participant for personal evaluation.

TSOD provides videotaping equipment and videotapes.

Presentation Skills for Professionals & Managers

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