You’ll discover new ideas and best practices for meeting management, voice mail/e-mail etiquette, and face-to-face communication.
A practical, no-nonsense exploration of communication processes and practices, this add-on is recommended for organizations that need to decrease confusion, plug information overload, and increase the effectiveness of their internal communication practices.
You’ll learn new ways of employing communication systems effectively, using proven suggestions that help you craft ground rules for meeting management, e-mail correspondence and face-to-face briefings. You’ll discover proven methods to ensure that everybody’s in-the-loop. Just as importantly, you’ll discover ways to squash the time-wasting distractions often camouflaged as communication.
Building upon the information from your Team Building Workshop, you’ll explore the key differences in human communication preferences. These differences affect both our expectations and methods of communication. Using clear case studies and an on-the-spot-assessment of your team’s communication challenges, you’ll discover how you can enhance your internal communication immediately.
In times of conflict, communication changes. In this section, you’ll find out how different personality types react to conflict, including the communication barriers each type builds. By the end of the program, you will have created a team treaty to ensure open, meaningful dialogue, even amid conflict.
Although inevitable, change isn’t always welcome. Even positive changes require adaptation, which creates some degree of turmoil within a team. In this section, you’ll learn what to expect during times of change, and you’ll craft a set of ground rules to ensure that your team is ready to work cooperatively and productively in shifting sands.
You’ll learn how more messages are lost on the receiver end than the transmitter end. You’ll complete a Listening Survey to define your own listening skill level. And you’ll learn methods for increasing your listening and learning skills to become more effective in your work.
You’ll learn why meetings became the scourges of the workplace, although they should be your group’s most important activity. You’ll discover Best Practices that ensure the success, effectiveness, and efficiency of meetings
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. You’ll adapt these new ideas on-the-spot to create an effective meeting strategy for your team.
E-mail, Memo and Voice Mail Best Practices
You’ll learn how other organizations have substantially decreased the bulging mass of time-consuming messages. You’ll discover simple and effective rules for creating internal communication systems that work, without overloading the recipients. In addition, you’ll learn how conflicts and misunderstandings grow from these popular communication media, and how to ensure that your team uses e-mail, memos, and voice mail effectively.
Who Should Attend
Conducted as an add-on to TSOD’s core workshops, team communication is most appropriate for teams and departments in which good communication is essential to success.
This workshop draws upon the interpersonal communication insights revealed in the Team Building Workshop, adding practical training on communication processes and suggesting proven ground rules.
Often, this workshop is used by teams that say they are often left “out of the loop,” or conversely, complain that they are overloaded with extraneous communication.
The Workshop Experience
This course is highly interactive, eliciting group feedback through professionally facilitated discussions, case-study exercises, and actual team scenarios.
Through carefully crafted group exercises, team members will create ground rules and treaties that enhance team communication, plug information overload, and ensure that everybody’s in-the-loop. [Review the Course Textbook]
Is Your Team Ready to Grow?
Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.