Time Management Agenda


Time Management Training Synopsis

Section 1: Setting Personal and Professional Goals (1:10)

You’ll gain a refreshing perspective on long-term planning. Using our exclusive GoalSheet™ and GoalPlanner™, you’ll uncover what’s truly important to your personal satisfaction. Then, you’ll discover a motivational approach to career goals by clarifying your organizational vision and taking advantage of previously uncharted workplace opportunities.

Even if you’ve created personal and professional targets in the past, this results-oriented session will prove indispensable in charting a time-effective life journey.

Section 2: Effective Habits: The Time Superstar (1:10)

You’ll gain a refreshing perspective on long-term planning. Using our exclusive GoalSheet™ and GoalPlanner™, you’ll uncover what’s truly important to your personal satisfaction

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. Then, you’ll discover a motivational approach to career goals by clarifying your organizational vision and taking advantage of previously uncharted workplace opportunities.

Even if you’ve created personal and professional targets in the past, this results-oriented session will prove indispensable in charting a time-effective life journey.
Section 3: Time Tactics: The Do-It Dozen (1:10)

In this session, you’ll discover more than 100 timesaving best practices. If you use only a sampling of these ingenious ideas to save 10 minutes a day, you’ll gain a week’s worth of productivity each year! Time Tactic categories include using travel time and waiting time, processing documents, managing meetings, using e-mail, coping with interruptions, and dealing with the dreaded telephone. Best of all, the brainstorming aspect of this session uncorks creative solutions for your team-specific time challenges.
Conclusions & Commitments

You’ll conclude your results-oriented learning session in a results-oriented way: By forging commitments to a more effective, meaningful, and rewarding lifestyle… a lifestyle suited to a Time Superstar™.

Additional Information

Time Superstar™ Course Description: What You’ll Learn

Course Datasheet: Links to Detailed Course Information

Print-Ready Time/Stress Workshop Brochure (pdf)

Stress Management Complement Workshop

Pricing & Scheduling for Your Team

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