from Training Services On Demand
SmartSessions™ don’t call for anything exotic or time-consuming on your part. Because we’re experienced in on-location seminars, we’re both self-reliant and flexible.
However, your participation in the planning and execution of your program will contribute to its success.
SmartSessions™ Space Requirements
In considering the space you will choose for your workshop, please keep in mind that our facilitators are energetic; They enjoy moving throughout the room and interacting with participants. They tend to avoid lecterns, and use a speaker’s table as a touchstone only.
As such, cramped or crowded rooms are the enemy. We strongly believe that participants need some personal space, and speakers need freedom of movement. Beware of putting 100 people in a room advertised as seating ”up to 100” people; Convention and conference venues provide maximum attendance figures based upon worst-case setups. Please try for something better than worst-case!
Either classroom or theater-style seating is appropriate. In some sessions, particularly where handout notes are provided, participants will wish to jot-down some information; Classroom-style seating is always a safe bet.
SmartSession™ Audio/Visual Requirements
We’ll need a video projector and screen; We’ll provide our own notebook computer. Please ensure that the projector/screen setup is appropriate to the audience size
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We’ll need a speaker’s table near the front of the room for our computer, notes, and supplies. The table needs to have electrical access (to plug-in the computer) and the hookup for the video projector.
It’s useful for us to have something to write on—a flip chart or whiteboard—for group-specific brainstorming.
Time Considerations
SmartSessions™ can fit any 45- to 75-minute window. Our speakers are expert at concluding at the desired time. We recommend against late starts, and we recommend against allowing latecomer admission. Both distract from the continuity and quality of the of the session.
Immediately Before Your Session
Our facilitators aren’t delicate flowers, but experience has proven that a few minutes of quiet concentration before a session will yield a much better result. If your facilitator vanishes shortly before a session, they’ll be right back.
Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.
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