Convention Seminars: SmartSessions Resale

High-Quality Convention
& Conference Mini-Seminars

from Training Services On Demand

SmartSessions™ Information for Resellers

Commissioned Sales for Convention Planners

Convention planning professionals who resell TSOD SmartSessions may add a commission of up to 25 percent to our standard rates. Our standard resale commission rate is 20 percent.

Commissions are added to (not deducted from) our standard rates. We will either (1) invoice you at standard rates, allowing you to invoice the end customer; or (2) invoice the end customer at the commissioned rate and remit your commission to you.

What We Give Our Re-sellers

  • A great rate of return:
          We make it easy for you to earn an extra $200 to $1200 on every convention or conference you plan, just by incorporating high-quality mini-seminars.
  • A product that sells itself:

SmartSessions’ popular topics snap into virtually any convention agenda and any convention manager’s budget.

  • Economical, all-inclusive pricing:

You’ll never need to present pricing as a ”cost + mystery.” Our simplified, bundled rates make scheduling a breeze.

  • An end result you’ll be proud of:

SmartSessions are the showcase segments of our most popular seminars. We impress audiences, without exception.

What We Expect From Our Resellers

  • Our resellers accurately describe our offerings:
        They are familiar with all aspects of SmartSessions, including topics, logistics, and scheduling options.
  • Our resellers attend to all presale customer communications:

We offer a finder’s fee of $100 (and no commission) if our involvement is required in the presale process.

  • Our resellers don’t compel us to work with bad customers:

Life is too short, and we enjoy our work too much, for us to participate in unfriendly situations.

  • Our resellers conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our high standards for business ethics.

Everything You Need to Know Is Here

The SmartSessions section of TSOD’s web site offers extensive details on the programs

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. We highly recommend that you acquaint yourself with these resources before presenting SmartSessions to end customers.

We’ve created a version of the SmartSessions PDF brochure that strips-out links to our web site, and incorporates a 20% commission in the price list. Click here to download the reseller version of the SmartSessions brochure.

Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.

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