TSOD Conducts Multiple Workshops for Parris Island Marines

TSOD Conducts Multiple Workshops for Parris Island Marines

April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

(Beaufort, South Carolina)   Uniformed professionals at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, SC completed a series of Training Services On Demand (TSOD) Workshops, including Team Building and Applied Team Building, Time Management, and Stress Management programs.

TSOD’s Team Building program, with the Applied Team Building option, is designed to foster enhanced understanding within teams.  The initial part of the workshop introduces interpersonal characteristics, and how they can naturally enhance or impede team communication, decision-making, and camaraderie.  During the second part of the workshop, participants work through scenarios that bring the coursework theories to life.  Through facilitated small-group exercises, participants benefit from life-changing insights regarding the composition of high-performing teams.

TSOD’s Time Superstar™ workshop provides a realistic road map for the using time effectively, achieving goals, and benefiting from a life well lived.  Time Superstar often is combined with Success Under Stress™, TSOD’s proven approach to shedding mental distractions and focusing on self-actualization.  The combination of these two half-day programs has proven particularly useful to team experiencing radical change, tight deadlines or other distracting influences.

The mission of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island, SC is to make Marines who are committed to our core values in service to the country.  With a permanent personnel population of over 21,000 and housing 261 families, the necessary infrastructure of the Parris Island Depot is equivalent to any small municipality.  The Marine Corps fulfills a vital role in national security as an amphibious, expeditionary, air-ground combined arms task force, capable of forcible entry from the air, land, and sea.  It is capable of asymmetric warfare with conventional, irregular, and hybrid forces.  While the Marine Corps does not employ any unique combat arms, as a force it has the unique ability to rapidly deploy a combined-arms task force to almost anywhere in the world within days.

Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions.  TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs are adapted to meet organization-specific training needs.  TSOD seminars and workshops are conducted nationwide at all-inclusive bundled tuition rates and can be procured through the GSA Schedule

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. Popular training course titles include Team Building, Team Leadership, Presentation Skills, Media Relations, Negotiation Skills, Business Writing, Time Management, Stress Management, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Diversity Training, and Convention Mini-Seminars.

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