Brigadier General (Ret) USAF Raymond A. Shulstad to Join Management Consulting

Brigadier General (Ret) USAF Raymond A. Shulstad to Join Management Consulting

ALBANY, Ohio, July 10, 2015 — Accomplished leadership and management consultant Raymond A. Shulstad, Ph.D., has joined Albany, Ohio – based Training Services On Demand (TSOD:, according to TSOD President Tim Sharp.

“It is an honor to have Dr. Shulstad on our team,” Sharp said. “He brings more than 20 years’ experience in executive level leadership and management positions in the Air Force and in industry to”

Accomplished leadership and management consultant joins

Accomplished leadership and management consultant joins

Sharp said he expects Shulstad to bolster TSOD’s relationships with military, government and corporate leaders with his commitment to outcome-driven techniques.

Shulstad has been an independent consultant to industry and government for a broad range of topics including organizational management & leadership, business development, research & development, and system engineering & acquisition.

The decision to join TSOD as management and leadership consultant arose when it became apparent that he and shared many of the same business and leadership goals.

“There was a great deal of overlap,” Shulstad said. “I look forward to working with in providing the best corporate and government products in the country.” has been serving business and government since 2001 with programs such as Team Building, Success Under Stress, Time Superstar, Discover Diversity, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Presentation Skills, Media RelationsBusiness Writing, Leadership, and AdvanTeam 360.

Sharp believes Shulstad’s expertise in leadership and management will cement into its position as one of the country’s top-tier training companies.

In April 2006, Shulstad retired as the Senior Vice President and General Manager of MITRE’s Center for Air Force Command and Control Systems that provides systems engineering support to the Air Force Materiel Command’s Electronic Systems Center and other Air Force agencies

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Before assuming his final position with MITRE in May 2001, he served as the Vice President and Deputy General Manager for MITRE’s Air Force Center. From January 1999 to January 2001, he served as the Director of the MITRE-Colorado Springs Operations. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing MITRE’s system engineering support to NORAD, United States Space Command, Air Force Space Command, Army Space Command, Air Force Material Command, and the Joint National Test Facility.

Prior to joining MITRE in January 1999, Shulstad was the Director of Strategic Planning for Surveillance and Battle Management Systems for Northrop Grumman Corporation in Melbourne, Florida. He joined Northrop Grumman after his retirement from the Air Force as a Brigadier General in October 1994.

During his Air Force career, Shulstad was a recognized nuclear weapons expert. And, he had more than 20 years’ experience in planning and directing development and acquisition programs for aeronautical, command & control, communications and intelligence systems. In addition to several key staff jobs in the Pentagon, Shulstad served in a number of important leadership and management positions.

His most recent Air Force assignments included: Vice Commander of the Aeronautical System Center (ASC) at Wright-Patterson AFB (1993-1994); Vice Commander, Electronic Systems Division, Hanscom AFB (1991-1993); Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Requirements, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command (1990-1991); Commander of the Rome Air Development Center (1988-1990); System Program Director for ASC’s Aeronautical Equipment System Program Office (1986-1988); and Director of Systems Engineering at ASC (1985-1986) .

He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from the University of Alabama, and both a Master of Science and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He is a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces and the Defense Systems Management College’s Program Management Course. His publications include a 1986 book, Peace is My Profession, that deals with the moral dimensions of U.S. nuclear policy.

More recently, he has published several landmark articles on leadership and management. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed Golden Nuggets: A Practitioner’s Reflections on Leadership, Management and Life, a compendium of time-tested, principles and best practices derived from his 45 year professional career with the Air Force and industry.


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