MBTI® Team Building for St. John’s Clinic Physicians

MBTI® Team Building for St. John’s Clinic Physicians

April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

(Springfield, Missouri)  Training Services On Demand (TSOD) provided Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®-based Team Building for Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialists at St. John’s Clinic in Springfield, Missouri.  Participants gained a heightened awareness of themselves and their colleagues: How they naturally communicate, make decisions, and form relationships.   During the workshop, team members participated in activities that clarified team dynamics and challenges

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. Team members also received personalized MBTI® profiles detailing their workplace preferences and their team development opportunities.

St. John’s Clinic was established in 1994 as the physician component of St. John’s Health System.  It is an integrated physician practice organization with more than 400 physicians serving southwest and mid-Missouri and northern Arkansas.  St. John’s Clinic employs 1,281 full-time equivalent staff members.  The Clinic is an integral part of The Sisters of Mercy Health System, which operates hospitals, physician practices, outpatient clinics, health plans and related health and human services in a seven-state area including Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas.

Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is an award-winning provider of training and employee development solutions.  TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs are adapted to meet organization-specific training needs.  TSOD seminars and workshops are conducted nationwide at all-inclusive bundled tuition rates and can be procured by qualifying government agencies at GSA Rates. Popular training course titles include Team Building, Team Leadership, Presentation Skills, Media Relations, Negotiation Skills, Business Writing, Time Management, Stress Management, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Diversity Training, and Convention Mini-Seminars.

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