Media Training Facilitator


Media Training: About the Facilitators

A Uniquely Qualified Training Team

Frank Whyte and Tim Sharp began working together as large-market television reporters in the late 70’s. Since then, they’ve racked-up a fascinatingly diverse experience base that includes credits in broadcast and print journalism, editorial management, and classroom facilitation. You’ll benefit from nearly 50 years of combined journalism and training experience.

In Whyte’s extensive journalism career, he created and aired more than 3,000 news stories and earned more than a dozen significant journalism awards. Later, as a public relations professional, he staged one of the aviation industry’s most successful media awareness initiatives. Today, he is regarded as one of the country’s foremost corporate educators. His blue-chip client list includes Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the American College of Physicians.

As a television reporter and print writer, he earned more than a dozen significant journalism awards. His work includes several years of on-camera television coverage at both the local and national level.

His journalism career continued, even after he transitioned to full-time training. In recent years, he has contributed to more than a dozen leading magazines and newspapers: His first-person essay on air travel in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy was carried nationwide.

Whyte’s insider information on the methods and motivations of both print and electronic journalists ensures that his media training sessions transcend PR theory: You’ll learn what makes reporters tick, and you’ll use that information to craft more productive media encounters.
As a public relations professional, his accomplishments include creating and conducting one of the aviation industry’s most successful public relations initiatives (in which he provided first flying lessons to more than 150 reporters!).

He has conducted news conferences and briefings in both collegial and adverse circumstances, and he is retained as an on-call consultant for “media crisis” situations by several organizations. Whyte’s track record of working proactively with the news media ensures that your media training benefits from PR Best Practices: proven methods and results-oriented techniques that you’ll use in every interview and news conference.
As a journalism instructor, Whyte trained some of today’s rising stars in broadcast and print reporting. Having handed one end of the rope to journalists, Whyte offers the other end to you, making the media relations tug-of-war a bit more balanced.

For the past several years, Whyte has worked as a full-time corporate trainer and consultant. In addition to MediaSavvy workshops, he facilitates courses in Leadership, Team Building, and Presentation Skills.

Sharp is an accomplished television anchor and news director with an uncommon perspective on the ”other side of the lens.” Sharp was his party’s nominee in a hotly contested Congressional race, giving him a fascinating tour of other reporters’ methods and practices. His journalism career continued after his political adventure, and included achievements in both print and broadcast media. By Presidential appointment, he now teaches in the prestigious E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.
Tim Sharp has served in every conceivable journalism function from street reporter through large-market news director

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. He has produced and anchored hundreds of television newscasts, reported for both broadcast and print outlets, and taught in one of the country’s most esteemed journalism schools. He was first reporter on the scene of the United States’ worst industrial accident.

Sharp has managed newsrooms at all of the ”big three” network affiliations, and founded a television news network serving the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. As statehouse correspondent for a capital newspaper, he broke major stories on governors, legislators and corporations. Sharp’s work has earned him Investigative Reporting, Interviewing, Continuing Coverage, Documentary, Spot News, and Enterprise Reporting awards.

Sharp knows the questions racing through reporters’ minds as they approach an interview. His eye-opening exposure to his peers’ methods and practices occurred when he was nominated to a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a candidate, he witnessed an entirely different set of challenges, and quickly adapted his journalism skills to begin managing his media encounters.

In 2000 Sharp received a Presidential Appointment to teach at the prestigious Scripps School of Journalism, where he continues to manage news operations. In addition to supervising Ohio news coverage for Public Radio and Television, he teaches journalism courses for the next generation of reporters, editors, and producers. He continues to consult both the media and business in effective communication.

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