Onsite Workshops for Win-Win Results in Every Negotiation
Productive negotiating combines several elements, and TSOD’s Negotiation Skills Workshop covers the spectrum. Best of all, we’ll take you through this negotiation boot camp in just two days, giving you skills you’ll begin using on day three.
This isn’t a sit-back-and-listen program. You’ll be put to the test in various scenarios, using different techniques, and gaining poise and confidence at every turn. You’ll need to arrive ready to flex your intellectual muscles.
Sure, you’ll learn some shortcuts and some easy negotiation tricks. But you’ll also gain deeper insight into how the person across the table thinks, assumes, and reacts. And you’ll gain the benefit of proven techniques to effectively deal with every phase of the negotiation process.
Immediate Benefits for Your Team
This onsite, full-team workshop jump-starts your team’s effectiveness by boosting negotiation sophistication. Your team will learn:
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. Without good questioning, you can give away the farm on every conceivable issue, and still fail to create a win-win conclusion. There’s something else on your opponent’s mind, but he’s never clarified it-perhaps not even to himself. You’ll practice the six types of questioning used to dig-up buried treasure.
A Workshop That Adapts to Your Needs
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all ”hotel seminar.” It focuses on your specific negotiating needs, and compels your team to practice in its toughest corners.
Each member of your team will benefit by discovering:
Additional Information
Specifications: Course Datasheet
Negotiation Skills Brochure (.pdf document)
Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request: