A Proven Training System, A Veteran Facilitator
The course was developed—and is exclusively facilitated—by our award winning facilitiators.
Drawing upon the experience of more than 3,000 television appearances and more than 1,000 public speaking engagements, Whyte ranks among the nation’s foremost presentation skills authorities.
His popular Persuasive Presentations™ programs are used by Pfizer, PUMA, C-SPAN, and other highly visible organizations to maintain a polished public presence.
Workshops At Your Location, For Your Team, Specifically
You won’t be asked to sit passively in a distant hotel conference room amid strangers. This interactive Presentation Skills coaching experience is offered by appointment only.
We cater to your team, at your location, at your convenience, to address your needs, in a comfortable and confidential environment
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The Presentation Skills workshop is offered to groups of six to twelve persons; larger groups may be accommodated through consecutive workshops.
Course Logistics
What You’ll Receive
Presentation Skills for Executives and Opinion Makers
Course Datasheet
Curriculum Outline
Logistics & Agenda
Workshop Options
Presentation Skills for Executives and Opinion Makers (Onsite training: 2 days)
Presentation Skills for Professionals and Managers (Onsite training: 2 days)
Presentation Skills for Training Professionals (Onsite training: 2 days)
Presentation Skills for Sales Professionals (Onsite training: 2 days)
Additional Information
Presentation Skills Main Menu
Training Overview & Options
Pricing and Scheduling
Is Your Team Ready to Grow?
Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request.