Fact: 40% of Sales Prospects Prefer to Get Information In Writing.
Finally: A Workshop to Help Your Sales Team Relate to Those Prospects.
In today’s ”click to inquire” landscape, it’s common for sales professionals to do something they’re not comfortable doing: Communicate with high-value prospects without the benefit of face time.
TSOD’s Selling in Writing workshop helps your team understand and win-over introverts… the readers… the ponderers… the folks sales professionals often describe as their most challenging prospects.
Immediate Benefits for Your Team
Selling in Writing bridges the gap between your sales team’s extroverts (90% of the average sales team), and your e-mail customers. You’ll gain the skills necessary to compete in a high-tech world that calls for an entirely new sales skill set.
Consider the possibilities: As you read this, there’s a person buying a 5-digit new car, without ever speaking to a human being. That’s a buyer most sales professionals don’t understand.
Sales professionals understand discussions, differentiators, objection handling. The person who communicates solely by e-mail? That’s a challenge.
Is it a challenge your sales team handles well?
Programs to Benefit Your Team, Specifically
Conducting an onsite time management program for your team:
Proven Results, Guaranteed Reliability
We’ll work with your group of 10 or more persons—at your location—to create time management solutions you’ll value.
You’ll enjoy a proven training program, customized for your team, by your team, benefiting your team.
TSOD’s Time Superstar™ program is popular nationwide, as companies such as Verizon, VF Corporation, and Bristol-Myers Squibb work with us to boost organizational effectiveness through a team approach to time management.
Time Management is one of our most popular ”repeat customer” programs, and for a good reason: When we help a team member reclaim twenty minutes of daily productivity, that team member repays the investment with two weeks of new productivity each year.
Imagine the bottom-line results for a full team!
When they write-in to discuss things, their words are carefully chosen, and their mission is quite clear. If your salesperson picks-up a phone to “chat ’em up,” you just lost the sale.
Guaranteed: If you pick-up the phone to call an e-mailing introvert, you’ve just lost a sale. In fact, you may have just scrapped a relationship. What’s the deal here? What’s wrong with these people?
What’s wrong is this: Introverts communicate on a completely different level than Extraverts. 40% of the population is Introverts; 90 percent of sales reps are Extraverts.
If you want the 40 % market share you’re missing now, you’ll need to communicate in writing. This isn’t typing sentences. It’s a sales Skill.
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. That’s true for the 40% of Americans who are Introverts. . They don’t react well to these folks, do they? They get an e-mail from a prospect, jump on the phone, and next thing you know, the customer’s calling to complain about harassment. recapture the 40% who see the Internet as more effective than you. Most sales professionals close deals face-to-face or over the phone. You just can’t beat that relationship-building human contact, right?
But what about the customers who don’t do business that way? What about the person who’s buying a six-digit yacht via the Internet-right now-without uttering a word to a human being?
If the Internet has taught us anything, it’s something Swiss psychological pioneer Carl Jung could have predicted:
Some people get information in writing, consider the options, and tap-out an e-mail message to seal the deal.
Jung would have called then introverted customers; persons who don’t always feel comfortable when the salesperson calls.
This Isn’t Mom’s “Customer Mirroring” Seminar
Some older sales personality training courses rely on hackneyed notions about customer personalities, and ignore the sales professional’s personality preferences entirely.
TSOD’s Customer Connection Sales Training Workshop uses the proven insights to give your sales team practical, real-world insights on customer relationship building. Our training curriculum—proven through fifteen years of benefit to our clients—uses state-of-the-art graphics, lively team exercises, and memorable examples to build street-usable skills.
You’ll receive customized, 20-page personality assessments for each team member, giving them a baseline of personal understanding. And we’ll help them leverage that newfound personal insight to build productive, lasting relationships with your customers.
A Results-Oriented Exploration of Communication & Cooperation
Through a scientific assessment of personality type, participants learn how their personal preferences differ from those around them. This essential core of understanding opens new paths of communication and true cooperation.
The workshop itself is very interactive. We’ll ask for a non-crowded workshop space with at least two flipcharts and the ability to project computer graphics (we can supply the projector, if required).
We’ll supply everything else: Participant materials, audio/visual aids, and an experienced sales trainer/facilitator.
In short, we make it easy for you to add the power of TSOD’s Customer Connection Sales Training Workshop to your next sales meeting.
Additional Information
Downloadable Course Brochure (.pdf format)
Call us at 1-855-65-TRAIN (855-658-7246), or use the online info request: