Team Building for Mission-Critical Army and Navy Teams

Team Building for Mission-Critical Army and Navy Teams

April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009
(Washington DC)   Training Services On Demand (TSOD: recently fulfilled contracts with both the administrative staff of Naval Special Warfare Group TWO and leaders of the Army Garrison Walter Reed, according to Marcia George, TSOD’s customer service director.
The administrative staff of the U.S. Navy’s Special Warfare Group TWO, based in Norfolk, Virginia, supports SEAL and SDV teams in the Atlantic, Europe, and Southern Command areas of responsibility. Special Warfare teams serve in diverse roles, including unconventional warfare, terrorism deterrence, special reconnaissance, foreign internal defense, information warfare, security assistance, counter-drug operations, personnel recovery, and hydrographic reconnaissance.
The U.S. Army Garrison Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington, DC, is responsible for maintaining the post as a safe, secure, and quality working, training, and healthcare environment

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. The Walter Reed Health Care System itself provides comprehensive healthcare for more than 150,000 soldiers, other service members, family members, and retirees in the National Capital Area.

“In a single, very engaging week, we had the opportunity to work with the Navy professionals who support some of America’s most awe-inspiring warriors, and the leaders who are working tirelessly to restore the good name of the Army’s most renowned medical campus in its final years of operation,” said Frank Whyte, TSOD’s chief instructor and the facilitator for both programs. “In both cases, we interacted with impressive individuals seeking to further refine their communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills.”
Training Services On Demand offers several team building workshop options, but its most popular program has a personality assessment at its core.
“We find it essential first and foremost that team members be able to relate to one another, idiosyncrasies and all,” Whyte said. “From there, we add modules on conflict management, team communication, stress management, or other workshop elements tailored to meet the team’s needs and goals.”
TSOD offers its award-winning workshops nationwide without charging add-on travel fees, a unique, customer-friendly pricing system TSOD credits to its business relationships with travel industry providers. In addition to team building, the company offers onsite seminars on Team Leadership, Presentation Skills, Media Relations, Negotiation Skills, Business Writing, Time Management, Stress Management, Sexual Harassment Prevention, Diversity Training, and Convention Mini-Seminars.

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