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We’ll deliver state-of-the-art training systems to your team
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Through our customer-to-customer relationships with airlines, hotel chains and other travel providers, we pay uncommonly low rates for our travel. And even when we get stuck with a hefty travel bill—as happens occasionally—we accept that as our problem.
And by the way, though we roam throughout the country virtually nonstop, we’ve never missed an onsite training course. You can count on us.
It would be difficult to name a major U.S. city that we haven’t served in the past year. And we’ve trained in Berkeley Springs (West Virginia), Artesia (New Mexico), and Williston (Vermont). In essence, the country’s most effective onsite training services are right next door to you, no matter where you are.
All-inclusive pricing is a core component of our business model.
You see, our company’s founders were major purchasers of training services before they created Training Services On Demand. They found that—all too often—training vendors’ quoted fees were mere starting points, with mysterious expenses piling-up throughout the period of performance. They felt that this practice bordered on bait-and-switch.
As a result, TSOD is committed to quality training and to fair pricing: Our customers benefit from the best training possible at predictable, fully bundled tuition rates.
We’ve never deviated from this. When you’re quoted a tuition rate for a TSOD seminar or workshop, you’ve heard the number that will appear on your invoice.
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