TSOD Provides Time Management Training for VF Imagewear
February 25, 2005
(Tampa, Florida) Training Services On Demand (TSOD) provided onsite Time Management training for professionals in VF Imagewear’s fast-paced Tampa, Florida design and production facility. TSOD’s half-day onsite Time Management workshop, Time Superstar™, helps busy professionals increase their effectiveness, strengthen their professional commitment, and achieve their goals. By completing interactive exercises and in-class commitments, participants leave the training program with a refreshed perspective on workload management.
VF Imagewear manufactures work, safety, and sports apparel. They are a division of VF Corporation, which is the world’s largest publicly owned apparel company
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. VF Imagewear’s principal brands are Red Kap®, Horace Small®, Bulwark®, and R&R® uniforms. Parent Corporation VF’s brands include Lee®, Wrangler®, Riders®, Vanity Fair®, Bestform®, Nautica®, Healthtex®, JanSport®, The North Face®, and Lee Sport®.
Training Services On Demand (TSOD) is a top-tier provider of training and employee development solutions. TSOD provides onsite training at customer locations for complete teams, ensuring that its programs leverage team insights and produce team-oriented results. The company’s seminars and workshops are available nationwide at fully bundled tuition rates. Combining proven curricula, expert facilitators, and modest tuition schedules, TSOD ensures the availability of high-quality employee learning experiences to a growing, blue-clip client list.