Time Management Facilitators

Ideally Qualified Course Facilitators

Frank J

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. Whyte
Chief Curriculum Officer

“Training is a waste of time if people don’t learn how to use the information.”

fwhyteWorking from that simple credo, Frank Whyte has built a growing constituency of clients who appreciate his end-result-oriented approach to employee development.

Whyte owes his practical perspective to his early training as a professional engineer. From there, his career evolved through the spectrum of communication… He served as a broadcast journalist for nearly a decade, and later applied those practiced communication skills to public relations.

His love of the written word, the spoken word, visual communication, and professional development came together when he began his corporate training career in the late 80’s. Since then, he has facilitated more than 1,000 adult-education programs. He is a co-founder and principal of Training Services On Demand.

Timothy A. Sharp, M.A.
Senior Course Facilitator

“Our goal is to make our next workshop our best workshop ever.”

Tim SharpTim Sharp takes his role as an educator very seriously, bringing careful research and preparation to each of his courses, whether serving as a corporate trainer or college professor.

In addition to facilitating TSOD workshops, Tim Sharp is a Presidential Appointee to the prestigious E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. Previously, he served in a variety of highly visible, highly responsible roles, including television news director, successful business owner, and Congressional nominee.

Drawing upon that colorful background, Sharp ensures that his workshops emphasize a real-world perspective, rather than academic theory.

“Frank and I agree that best practices are pivotal to successful adult education,” Sharp says. “We’re constantly cataloging techniques that assist our customers in becoming more successful.”

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