Time Management Course Benefits


Training Program Benefit Summary

Bring Proven Time Management Techniques to Your Team!

      You’ll benefit from guaranteed time management methods, strong motivational messages, and more than 100 time-tested tips for increasing professional productivity.

If 26 members of your team each save twenty minutes a day as a result of this workshop, you’ll gain a free year of productivity!

What You’ll Learn . . .

  • How you’re currently spending most of your time
    Through revealing self-assessments, you’ll (finally!) discover what happens to the 1,440 minutes in your day. This important baseline survey reveals which time thieves might be encroaching upon your quality of life.
  • How to set goals and work strategically
    You’ll explore the vital link between goals and professional priorities. By the end of the session, you and your team members will have realistic plans for achieving life goals and organizational objectives.
  • time_management_4How you can optimize your tasks
    You’ll discover ways to enjoy more of your life by squeezing more out of your workday. You’ll learn amazingly simple and effective ways of accomplishing more while reducing stress.
  • How you can use those idle moments
    You’ll recover all the time you’d written-off as lost. Like dimes in a jar, you’ll find these recaptured moments adding-up, buying you heightened levels of productivity and self-satisfaction.
  • How to overcome time management’s mightiest monsters
    You’ll create a customized plan for conquering the enemies: Procrastination, disorganization, and loss of focus. Armed with that plan, you’ll graduate from the course prepared to slay the monsters that inhibit your success.
  • How to deal with interruptions and other “uncontrollable” time thieves
    You’ll lose your last excuse for mediocre time management: That other people are in your driver’s seat. You’ll learn how to regain your life and time from the bandits who interrupt, distract, and divert your good intentions.
  • And You’ll have fun.
    Above all, you’ll be reminded that life’s too short for a boring, sit-and-listen training seminar. You’ll be part of a colorful, enjoyable, and highly interactive learning experience.

What to Expect from the Workshop

You’ll enjoy an uncommonly fast-paced learning experience. You’ll have fun, but there’s no time for fluff. You’ll experience four hours of meaningful—potentially life-changing—time management coaching.

The program moves from big-picture to highly-specific: You’ll begin by developing life strategies, and end by choosing your favorites from a menu of 100 quick, clever time-savers.

Along the way, you’ll explore the habit patterns that define professional achievement

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. You’ll use these “Five Points on the Time Superstar” as a memorable resource for time effectiveness.

The Most Results-Oriented Time Management Program Available Today

More than half of your workshop will involve small-team exercises. You’ll effectively customize the program to showcase solutions specific to your team and your work.

But you’re not on your own. You’ll be guided by one of the best workshop facilitators in the business. You’ll learn from high-quality audio-visuals, and you’ll carry away a valuable time management course kit that reinforces your in-class commitments.

Succinctly, this complete learning package offers your team a meaningful approach to time management.

It isn’t locked-in to a certain planning book or PDA; It is a universal system guaranteed to benefit your team.

Additional Information

Time Superstar™ Course Description: What You’ll Learn

Course Datasheet: Links to Detailed Course Information

Print-Ready Time/Stress Workshop Brochure (pdf)

Stress Management Complement Workshop

Pricing & Scheduling for Your Team

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